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The Florida Behavioral Health Association Congratulates the Florida Legislature for Passing Senate Bill 7016

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Behavioral Health Association (FBHA) extends its gratitude and
congratulations to Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, Chair Colleen Burton, the Florida
Senate and the Florida House of Representatives for investing in Florida’s health care workforce
by passing Senate Bill (SB) 7016.

“On behalf of FBHA’s nearly 70 community mental health and substance use providers, we
congratulate and thank the Florida Legislature for passing SB 7016, which will have a historic
impact on Florida’s health care workforce,” said FBHA President and CEO Melanie Brown-

Under the incredible leadership of the Florida Legislature, psychologists and psychiatric APRNs
will now be able to practice to the fullest extent of their education in an in-patient setting. SB
7016 also increases the availability of clinical opportunities for behavioral health students
through the Training, Education, and Clinicals in Health (TEACH) Funding Program.
Brown-Woofter said, “These changes will allow our members to recruit and retain the most
qualified mental health and substance use treatment professionals, ultimately improving the
overall well-being of Florida’s most vulnerable population.”

In addition, SB 7016 also enhances statewide coverage by Mobile Response Teams (MRT),
which provide 24/7 emergency behavioral health care to anyone in the state of Florida.
“Enhancing coverage for MRTs is incredibly important as 82% of MRTs face-to-face responses
resulted in community stabilization rather than involuntary admission to a Baker Act facility,”
said Brown-Woofter. “FBHA is beyond thankful to the Florida Legislature for giving behavioral
health providers the tools and resources they need to treat those who need help in a timely and
effective manner.”

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